Wednesday, May 11, 2011


so, like, hi. i haven't blogged in quite long and i'm sorry. i just don't really like blogging cause it brings out my introspective/pensive/emo side, which kinda sucks because i've been in an okay mood recently, i don't want to ruin it.

but right now i'm blogging because, as usual, i'm trying to avoid doing work.

this may or may not be a short blog post, i don't really plan them out, so i'll keep typing and see where it leads me. also, my computer is threatening me every 2 minutes with the "low battery power" dialogue box, so I may not be able to get much stuff on here, cause I like to live dangerously, i.e. challenge my computer to a race to the finish line. on a daily basis. ever seen the quote, "colour my life with the chaos of trouble"? yeap that's me. forever living like a badass mofo gangsta queen *sarcasm*.

so recently i've been bemoaning my "forever alone" status. one of my best friends just got her first love (AWW) and first bouquet of flowers. i'm happy for her and all, but i think going overseas for uni makes things so much harder cause aussies can't date you (you spend half your time in singapore), and people from singapore can't date you, cause you spend half your time in australia. so i guess it's very hard. the same goes for friendships. people i spend every day with here in melbourne, i hardly talk to when i get back home. we just go back to our "Real" friends when we're in singapore. we only maintain contact with each other here in melbourne due to circumstance. so really, studying overseas is kind of weird. of course, i'm very grateful for this opportunity. i'm just saying!

i'm one of those hypocritical people. i'm one of the most easily influenced people you will ever meet, and i'm the epitome of "always blaming others, never herself". but i really hate people like me. people like me get on my nerves. I've grown up this past year. My friends know me as understanding and very sympathetic, the person most able to look at things from another's point of view. If I don't, it's usually cause I won't, not because I can't. It's easier to blame others when you can feign ignorance of their predicament and indulge in the misery of your own situation.

Anyway, yeah. This time 2 years back, or even last year, I was the undisputed queen of insensitivity. i NEVER ever spared any consideration for others' feelings, and persistently believed I was right, til the very end. Now, I still fall into that nasty habit of self-righteousness, but at least i have the decency to squeak out a barely-audible apology hours/days later. It's a survival skill. In my family, I'm the only one who says sorry. If i don't say it, no one else will. then the whole family unit turns into shit. I've become so good at apologising and understanding, because i HAVE TO BE.

so now, i've changed. and I'm listening to people who complain about their lives but cause their own destruction. they're so aware of their self-destructive ways but continue because it's fun, and deep down, who doesn't love a bit of drama? they love being treated like crap. they love the romance of a tormented life. they blame others for influencing them. they blame boys for treating them badly. they blame friends for treating them badly. they blame the whole world. they refuse to just suck it up and move on, because god forbid, that would take away the drama and romance from their lives. since you're so aware of your shortcomings, why not try to change? why constantly SAY that you try to change but never do? I drop so many hints it's ridiculous, but these friends like to trap themselves in a cycle of self-pity. no amount of advice goes into their smoke-clogged brains.

i used to think a boyfriend would make things better, provide me with the affection and kindness i wanted so badly. i thought having a boyfriend validated my personality and likeability. i was wrong. it's true, what they say: if you don't respect yourself, boys aren't gonna respect you. they're gonna walk all over you.

i don't think sleeping with many guys makes a girl a slut at all.

i think, when a girl depends on a boy to tell her she's good enough, when she needs a boy to fill her days, when she actually secretly enjoys being a bad girl cause that's how she gets attention, that's when she has become a slut.

i won't deny it. i was a slut once. i haven't dated many guys, but I went into my first relationship at seventeen, 2 years ago, for the sake of having a boyfriend. it wasn't nice, because that's a horrible thing to do. the boy sincerely liked me, but i just used his admiration to feed my insufficient self-esteem, over the moon at the THOUGHT that a boy actually liked me for who I was. of course, a few weeks into it, he confessed that he dumped his ex after she got fat, so i ended it right there. after that, i avoided any and all relationships for more than a year. after that, i started waiting for a boy to come, a boy who would tell me he liked my kindness, my caring nature, my understanding ways, etc. that boy never came.

why? because i realised, i didn't like myself. i gave off the vibe that i was eager for reassurance, so obviously, boys being as keen as they are in this department, sensed my slutty desperation. i mean slutty in the "desperate" sense of course, not "omg i will sleep with any guy" kind of slutty. refer above for MY definition of slutty. anyway, yeah, so the guys could sense my vibe, so they took the opportunity. so I was lamenting and whining to myself cause the ONLY guy my friend has dated, treats her so much better than my 2-3 (one of them didn't have a label so i'm a bit confused) exes ever did. then it hit me, they never treated me with respect because i never demanded it. to them, i was easy to please. they just had to SAY the right things to feed my self-esteem, and i'd be off thinking about how well they understood me.

i honestly don't even remember like where i digressed from anymore lol. i wanted to go back to my main point but i've kinda lost track so i don't know where to go back to haha. oh yeah yeah! i've avoided dating since i came to this realisation. because i don't want to date until i love myself. why should i constantly seek out a boy who will love my personality? why must i need a boy who will TELL me he loves my personality? WHY CAN'T I BE ENOUGH FOR ME?

no matter how many boys you date, my friend, they're all gonna be jerks if you don't love yourself. because these boys KNOW you NEED the assurance. they happily provide it and in exchange, you give them everything. you give everything, and all you get is assurance, which of course also disappears when they leave you after they realise you're not worth the trouble.

you COULD be worth all the trouble in the world, if you truly believed it. but you don't. you grasp at straws trying to find someone who will embrace your personality, because you won't embrace it yourself. sure, you're AWARE of your personality, and you know you can be charming, but you hate yourself. you hate yourself, but changing is hard. finding a boy who will temporarily remove the need to change is the easier way out. so you go find boys. how do i know this? i've been there.

it pains me and annoys me, seeing my friends go through things i've been through myself. granted, no one experience is exactly the same, but they're all pretty similar. take from this what you will, but I do wish you wouldn't treat yourself so badly. you simultaneously blame yourself, and blame those around you, for who you've become.  i don't care if you drink hard and smoke hard, but i do care that you go back to your old habits because it's the EASIER thing to do.

it's easier to fuck up and mess around and blame people and blame yourself and wallow and have a relapse and break things and punch walls,

than it is to get up and DEAL with the mess you've made, isn't it?

i think, even though there's no use crying over spilt milk, it sure as hell is worth DEALING WITH and CLEANING UP, because if you just "move on" and "change" but leave the milk there, it's gonna turn sour and well, you know how the smell of sour milk can spread for miles, right?

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