Thursday, August 25, 2011


so...i've come to terms with the whole not singing thing recently.
i've been pouring everything i have into please do click it it's amazing i promise (:

it's consuming all my energy but i love it, and i love watching more and more people like it on facebook every day. hehe.

i haven't done a singing video in forever but thats fine. if it was meant to be, it would have been by now. of course i do feel a tinge of regret but it's not the debilitating resentment toward everything and everyone that i used to feel.

i am so truly happy right now, and at peace with myself. ever since i cut my hair short, i've become much more confident and daring. it's just something about short hair that makes me feel good! haha.

and well. i'm just happy. i'm single, but i'm happy. when it's time, it will happen. if it doesn't, whatever (:

i really cannot explain my newfound peace and happiness but i GUESS it's cause i've been so absorbed w LIVING life and not moping around that i've discovered so many wonderful things and people (:

and also well when you have a new friend, you tend to be happy cause you just made a new friend (:

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